Of all the conversations and interactions we have with various people (including family and close friends) in our lifetime, It is those interactions and conversations we have with ourselves that are most important and valuable or destructive as the case may be.
They are also the conversations that matter the most and are most profound. It doesn't matter what other people say to you or think of you, it is what you say or think that matters.
No matter how positive or complimentary others are to you, if you don't hold the same sentiments about yourself its all futile. In the same vein, if they are negative towards you and you don't hold the same sentiments, then their negativity is futile and has no effect over you.
Therefore, what we say about ourselves is the most important. It is important that we affirm ourselves positively in every way possible and our greatest CHEERLEADERS should be ourselves. Even when things look or seem discouraging it is the conversations we have with ourselves that boosts our self confidence and sends it through the roof.
Having positive conversations with ourselves not only boosts our self confidence but also serves as a motivational force in helping us achieve our dreams. In fact, once we have written down our dreams it is important that we read them out to ourselves daily and begin to picture the dreams as having been accomplished! Say for example, your dream is to become a Talk Show host the conversation you have with yourself daily should be along the lines of:
"I am greatest Talk Show host ever, I learn my and perfect my craft daily. Individuals and celebrities from far and wide want to be guests on my show and my audience is filled to capacity daily. People enjoy listening to me and the TV ratings for my show are through the roof. I am a very likeable person therefore my show is a succes. People find me easy to talk to and therefore feel comfortable around me".This idea or notion of speaking with ourselves goes for every area of our lives. If you want to be a better mum or wife or person generally, have positive conversations that affirm the qualities you strive for with yourself and even begin to feel like you are already there as you converse with yourself and you'll see that it will only be matter of time before it starts paying dividends.
I know the type of conversations i have with myself daily and i see the positive effects it has on my life. and i also recognise that they are the most profound!
So start speaking positively to yourselves people and enjoy the benefits!
Am i the best thing since slice bread? most definitely!!! in as much as i like people complimenting me and telling me nice things... i agree that we are our own mirrors henceforth i shall be giving no one the privilege to ruin my day with their words or actions!